Sometimes life feels

Finding helpful support
should feel easy.

Based on our own experiences as cancer patients and caregivers, we’ve assembled the tools we wish we’d had a lot earlier. Tools designed for your mind, body and soul that can help you take a step forward, and another step after that.

The Blogs

At how to Breast cancer, we want to be your “How to” guide for navigating your journey – starting the day you or someone you care for is diagnosed and available for any point throughout your journey.


Ask Amelia


Getting Started


The Beauty Room

How can we serve you better?

If you have a topic you’d like to see us cover — submit your message or question here.

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Looking for some humor?

A cancer diagnosis is serious, but through our own experiences, we’ve realized that laughter is vital. If you’re ready for some levity you can relate to, join us in Consuellama’s Corner.

View all Consuellama’s™ Corner articles