Our Intention
To provide a single helpful, informative space for Breast Cancer patients and caregivers.
As soon as you receive a Breast Cancer diagnosis — or any other cancer diagnosis — you’re met with a lot of information. Too much information.
Pamphlets. Websites. Books. Articles. How are you supposed to sort through all of it when your mind is already in a million different places?
Our intention is to draw on our own experiences and the knowledge of Breast Cancer experts to put everything you need to know, and everything you might want as you move ahead, in one, simple, helpful place. We want to make things easier for you. If you breathe a sigh relief while you’re here, we’ve accomplished our mission.
how to Breast cancer, and our upcoming Breast Cancer Guide, offer helpful Breast Cancer information, practical beauty advice, some much-needed humor, and real insight from patients and caregivers. We’re always working to make it as easy and as helpful as possible, because right now, you need comfort. You need information. You need to remember that even in the hardest times, you’re in good company.